We are excited to announce the date for the Second Annual Hike for the Homeless! This year’s event will be held on Saturday, September 28th, 2024. As was the case for last year, the beginning and ending of the hike will be at the main beach area in Rocky Gap State Park. Lakeside Loop Trail of Rocky Gap will be the main trail, however, participants are encouraged to hike and explore any trail in the park that day. Guided hikes will again be provided by WheelzUp Adventures staff.

The official hike will begin at 9:00 a.m., with a picnic planned for 12:00 p.m. at the beach as an official wrap-up of the event. Registration tables will open at 8:30 a.m. for those who choose to register at the hike itself. Hydration and snack tables will be along the Lakeside Loop Trail for your convenience. Our hope is to encourage families, teams, and individuals of all ages to participate in this outdoor activity while bringing awareness to the needs of the homeless and impoverished community.

The virtual option will again be available for the fundraising effort. For those who may be unable to attend the physical event, but still want to support the URM, virtual participation allows for support and participation from any hiking area. By signing up for the virtual event, you pledge to complete a hike, any of your choosing, hopefully taking pictures of your experience to share with us and on social media.

As in years past, there are two ways to participate in the Hike for the Homeless. First is through participation as a hiker. Hiker registration can be completed by filling out the online form located in the left hand column. The second participation option is through the sponsorship of this fundraising event, and the form is also found here to the left. Churches, companies, sports teams, social groups, and even families can sign up as sponsors for this event.

T-shirts commemorating the Second Annual Hike for the Homeless will be available for pick up on the day of the hike for those who have preregistered. Arrangements can be made through the staff of the URM for shirt pick up for those who are participating virtually as well. We hope you prayerfully consider participating in this event and support the Union Rescue Mission as we continue to provide food, shelter, and ultimately the love and hope found in Jesus to the “least of these” of our area.

Please Note: If you have questions or need help with online registration, please contact the URM office at info@urmcumberland.org or by calling (301) 724-1585.

By completing the registration below, I wish to participate in the Hike for the Homeless and I agree to honor and respect all requests and conditions presented by the Union Rescue Mission (URM) and “Hike Organizers”. If I am a minor, I agree I am completing this registration with consent of my parent or guardian. I am a voluntary participant and in good physical condition. I assume all risks associated with participating in this event including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, traffic and conditions of the event route, uneven ground and footing; with all such risks being understood and appreciated by me.

Having read the waiver and understanding these facts, and in consideration for being permitted to participate in this event, I release, indemnify, and hold harmless Union Rescue Mission, its employees, agents, officers, directors, successors, assigns, and representatives, including volunteers and sponsors, (collectively “Releases”) from any and all claims (including any claims on account of injury or death) whether caused by the negligence of the Releases or otherwise, which may be asserted by me or on behalf of me, arising from or related to, either directly or indirectly, my participation in this event.

I hereby grant the Union Rescue Mission the right and permission to publish, without charge, photographs of me, or my child if participant is under age 18, taken at the Hike for the Homeless on September 28, 2024. These photographs may be used in publications, including electronic publications or in audiovisual presentations, promotional literature, advertising or in other similar ways.

IMPORTANT: If you are part of a team, but registering individually please use the individual form (online or pdf download) and note your team name in the field provided so we can match you up with your group.